Special Security Week Part IX: and, if the situation creates
a little less distress on trained security personnel than the one outlined yesterday, emails still seem to work fine.
what if you finish the email when the emergency is over? Well, just add a note below. Logical, isn't it? (Translation of the email:
The red motorbike with license plate XXXX is falling down. Bye. oooh it has fallen."
Settimana speciale sicurezza parte IX: e, se la situazione crea
un po' meno angustia di quella presentata ieri a personale di sicurezza addestrato, le mail sembrano comunque funzionare bene.
Ma cosa fare se finisci la mail quando l'emergenza è terminata? Beh, basta aggiungere una nota la fondo. Logico, no?
This entry was posted
on Friday, July 15, 2005 at 09:51.
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