Sorry but I just can't resist the avalanche (four, coun'em, FOUR, including a spambot) of comments, and had to reply publicly.
Yes, I have been a slacker recently. Of course, this applies only to the voLabulary, not to my life as a whole. In fact,
I have been working quite a lot in the past few months, which is the main cause for the absolutely chronical delay in posts. I will be trying to post something in the future, but given the 5-month crunch time I have been going through, I cannot promise anything. On the other hand, well, heck! I have an hard disk full of nifty pictures, I suppose I must share them with someone, no?

Scusate, ma semplicemente non potevo resistere alla valanga (quattro, contateli, QUATTRO, includendo uno spambot) di commenti, e ho dovuto rispondere pubblicamente.
Si, sono stato un fannullone, recentemente. Naturalmente questo si applica solo al voLabolario, e non alla mia vita in generale. Infatti,
ho lavorato un bel po' nei mesi passati, il che è poi la causa principale del ritardo assolutamente cronico nei miei post. Cercherò di mettere su qualcosa nel futro, ma dato il periodo di superlavoro di circa cinque mesi che sto attraversando, non posso promettere nulla. D'altra parte, cavoli! Ho un hard disk pieno di foto goduriose, suppongo che dovrei condividerle con qualcuno, no?
This entry was posted
on Monday, December 05, 2005 at 22:00.
Please leave a comment below if you wish.
Hey! Nice to hear from you again!
Here's an idea: one post per week? It's nice to be reminded of the beautiful Italian language once in a while.
One per four months won't do the trick for me I'm afraid. So keep up the good work from now on. I think you have enough resources and (for sure) the ability to do so.
As a thank you I'll notify a few more friends of Volabolario.
Saluti da Olanda :)
We have woken up the Italian words man! More, more, more!
Back! (where are the Google ads?) i want to make you RICH!
How could I resist? I'll try to keep this up at 1 per week, but no guarantees... :-)
Welcom back!
Keep up the good work!
and, yes, I should read the post over to check for typos before I press the publish button...