to Hail - Salutare
"Something" from Chumbawamba. All hail the first church of Chumba!
We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down
Chumbawamba, Tubthumping (original here)

Mentre stiamo vincendo
Mi sbattono a terra
Ma mi rialzo
Non mi terrai mai a terra
Chumbawamba, Tubthumping (originale qui)
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A note which can be useful even just as a curiosity. Hail is used also in the expression 'hail a taxi' with a different meaning: you hail a taxi passing along a road by attracting the attention of the driver, typically by waving your hand. And this is something that you cannot do in Italy (unless I am mistaken).
Una nota che puo' essere utile anche solo come curiosita'. Hail si usa anche nell'espressione hail a taxi con un significato diverso: e' l'azione di chiamare, tipicamente con la mano, un taxi che passa lungo la strada. E questo, se non mi sbaglio, e' qualcosa che non e' possibile in Italia.