Serfdom - Servitù della gleba
And since we're on the subject of cigarettes and smoking, please notice that serfdom may not be dead , at least where smoking is concerned. According to this article on "La Repubblica" (in Italian only, sorry), "A research over 177 firms [...] does not leave any doubts: smoke impacts balance sheets by causing a net productivity loss between 6.5% and 10.5% ". Due to this fact, some geniuses are already thinking about some feudal salary deductions to compensate companies of damages. "Considering the costs of our manpower it is not acceptable that the cigarette break phenomenon can continue. Especially if we consider firms that have highly specialized processes where cost of manpower impacts very much on the finished product" (this is a free translation, the original Italian is much worse).
Of course, on one side I am glad I quit smoking, but on the other hand I am a bit afraid: when will someone start thinking about paying employees according to the their intestinal regularity?
Note: even if "serfdom" is technically translated as "servitù della gleba", it may also be used to indicate more generic slavery .

Ovviamente da una parte sono felice di aver smesso di fumare, ma dall'altra sono un po' spaventato: quando è che qualcuno comincerà a pensare a pagare i dipendenti a seconda della loro regolarità intestinale?
Nota: sebbene "serfdom" sia tecnicamente tradotto "servitù della gleba", può essere usato anche per indicare schiavitù più generica .