Ladies and Gentlemen,
here comes the Japan Christmas special of the year! Indeed,
the best rolling-LED advice ever to see the light of day. Captured for your entertainment of the holiday season as
a 15-second, 2-megabyte, .WMV movie with full soundtrack!!! Yes, you have never seen anything like this. A true linguistic gem, and a rare example of true, 100% engrish! Oh, what's the use? Just watch it!

Signori e signore,
ecco lo speciale di Natale Giapponese dell'anno! Davvero,
il miglior consiglio scritto su un display a LED che mai abbia visto la luce del giorno. Catturate, per il vostro divertimento, in forma di un
filmino .WMV da 15 secondi e 2 mega con colonna sonora!!! Si, non avete mai visto niente del genere. Una vera gemma linguistica, ed un raro esempio di vero engrish al 100%! Oh, a che cosa serve? Guardatevelo e basta!
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 09:16.
Please leave a comment below if you wish.
Wot? No comments? :-) I was getting used to them! :-)
Hmmm, what is there to say about loos...
No, I totally agree that guidelines for loos are a bit unusual. In a few weeks I'm having a stopover in Tokyo. Can't wait to check out the loos overthere :)
Buon natale a tutti!