If you're not worried that your kids may get a tad depressed, you can
have them play on the sinking titanic inflatable slide, as seen in Barcelona last year. Yes, the small letters on the left side actually say "TITANIC", so that you cannot be mistaken. It's really
one of the hugest maritime disaster ever, reproduced as a toy. I suppose the next step is a "Hindemburg" inflatable balloon, so if you see it, please write me!

Se non avete paura che i vostri bimbi possano diventare un cincinino depressi,
potete farli giocare sullo scivolo gonfiabile fatto a forma di Titanic che affonda, come visto a Barcellona l'anno scorso. Si, la piccola scritta sul lato sinistro dice davvero "TITANIC", cosi' che non vi possaite confondere. E' veramente
uno dei piu' grossi disastri marittimi di tutti i tempi, riprodotto in forma di giocattolo. Immagino che il prossimo passo sia un pallone gonfiabile dell'"Hindemburg", per cui se lo vedete, scrivetemi.
This entry was posted
on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 09:54.
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As you may know, here in Turin there is a pizza place named "Titanic"... surely trying to squeeze some popularity from the movie.
I used to joke that this could be the start of a new trend, and we could expect "Hindeburg disco", "Tacoma Narrows cafe", "Tunguska shopping center" to start appearing all over the countryside, but apparently I was wrong.
"Three Miles Island Swimming Pool" would not be bad :)
In any case, I know the "Titanic" pizza place, and used to say that they had missed the biggest occasion of them all by not having built a sloped floor... It sure would have made the "sinking" impression more real :P
Will post a picture of it some time in the future.