Yesterday we were sitting at an outdoors restaurant. After a particularly chilly
gust of wind, the waitress approached us and asked if it was too cold for us. Before we could reply "yes" or "no", she immediately said: "I'll bring you a business card!". And, much to our bewilderment, she actually did! How was it related to being cold? What were we supposed to do, burn it for heating?

Ieri eravamo seduti in in ristorante all'aperto. Dopo una
folata di vento particolarmente fresca, la cameriera si è avvicinata e ci ha chiesto se avevamo freddo. Prima che potessimo rispondere "si" o "no", lei ha detto immediatamente: "Vi porto un biglietto da visita!". E, con nostro totale smarrimento, l'ha portato davvero! Che relazione aveva con l'avere freddo? Cosa si supponeva che ne facessimo, che lo bruciassimo per scaldarci?
This entry was posted
on Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 10:04.
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I think I'll not be the only one that would like to know more about this amazing event.
What was on the business card, for a start? Was it about a warm clothing store? Centralized heating installation? Or was she a member of the NSA (Non-Sequitur Association. Motto: "We don't make sense, but we like pizza!")?
Ah OK since you are asking, it was the business card for the same restaurant we were dining at!
It took us a bit of investigation to discover it also contained a small discount for the next dinner.
We decided it was her peculiar way to say "I'm sorry" (for the cold?).
I'd not rate it as an "amzing event" though (perhaps "mildly amusing, bordering on the trivial" would be more correct). It just fit in very well with the "gust" word I had decided for today :P